Enlarged Books

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Enlarged Books

Sometimes visually impaired students need to read a book in its original form, with illustrations, tables and so on - but the book needs to be enlarged to make it accessible. In addition, some students who have low vision need enlarged workbooks for school, to enable them to write in the workbook and enjoy the illustrations, as they are unable to read the small print of the original book.
To answer this need, the Library produces books that are copied and enlarged – in effect copies of the original book, after it is edited to make it suitable for enlargement.

The enlargement technique is used mainly for textbooks for schoolchildren or for parents and grandparents who wish to read to their sighted children. While the children enjoy the illustrations, the adults enjoy being able to read larger print.

An enlarged book beside the original demonstrates the proportions.

תמונה של ספר רגיל ליד ספר מוגדל לשם השוואה         תמונה מקורית של ספר ותמונה של ספר מוגדל