Accessible information service – Regulations

The catalog Registration


Accessible information service – Regulations

As part of the Accessibility to Services Regulations (Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Regulations, 2013), organizations and companies are required to provide their clients with information that is tailored to suit their various disabilities. The Central Library for Blind and Reading Impaired People offers its services to make content accessible, by conversion of textual information to the following formats: audio, Braille and Large Print, accessible to reading impaired clients. The Library also provides audio description services for video content and tagging of digital files for reading via a computer screen-reader.

Who has to provide accessible information?

Any public service, as defined by law, must provide access to information content as part of its service, at the request of a disabled person, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 31 and subject to exemptions granted where the burden is too heavy and would lead to a significant change in the service.

What information has to be made accessible under Regulation 31?

The obligation to provide access applies to all information that is available to the general public, and to information about the service that is provided to an individual with disabilities, as part of the service.
To read the regulation in full, click here.

How can we help you?

  • We are the largest and most experienced organization in Israel in the field of creating accessible information for blind and visually impaired people, so collaboration with the Library adds to the good reputation of both parties.
  • We have our own recording studios, Braille and Large Print printers and other necessary equipment.
  • Our professional staff can help you to find the most accessible solution for your clients.
  • The Library is a not a commercial organization. We are a registered non-profit organization and we hold all the required permits.  All income is directed towards making culture accessible to blind and reading impaired people.
For more information please contact Nofar by telephone +972 (0)9 8865127 or email