Declaration of Accessibility
The Central Library for Blind and Visually Impaired People (NPO)
Declaration of Accessibility
The Central Library for Blind and Visually Impaired People is a not-for-profit organization. The Library has developed a dedicated website that is open to the public. The Library catalog is available only to Library subscribers.
Our commitment to accessibilityThe site is accessible, meeting the requirements of Regulation 35 of Service Accessibility Regulations, and in accordance with Israeli Standard 5568 Content Accessibility Websites, based on the guidelines of Wcag 2.0, AA level, as required by Regulation 35.
Compatible accessibility for screen reader usersThe site content is compatible with screen reader software, with emphasis on the most popular screen reader programs. In developing the website we carried out broad accessibility testing among users of different screen readers, with the help of skilled and experienced screen reader software internet surfing testers. We also made every effort to suit the site to different browsers and operating systems.
Screen reader software tested during the site development
• NVDA screen reader software, license free open source
• JAWS screen reading software
• COBRA screen reader software
Operating systems and browsers tested during site development
Windows 7 operating system and Internet Explorer browsers versions 10 and 11
Windows 8.1 operating system, Internet Explorer 11 browsers and Mozilla Firefox – most recent versions available at time of testing.
Apple’s Mac version OS 10.10.4 with Safari browser.
Incomplete optimization
The Library is not yet compatible with the following platforms:
Android operating system, Google Chrome browser and Mozilla Firefox
IOS operating system and Safari browser
Windows Phone operating system and browser
Compatible accessibility for screen reader usersThe dynamic nature of assistive technologies, user interfaces, operating systems and browsers makes it difficult to keep information systems updated and ensure compatibility with all assistive technologies at any given time. For this reason there may be some discrepancies between the Library website and screen reader software that was not tested during site development and/or to certain components of different screen reader software.
In view of the dynamics of internet aid technology, and our desire to adapt to as many assistive technologies as possible, we encourage you to contact us via the Feedback on Accessibility section of the website. The Library will help and will try to find alternative solutions for navigating the site.
Currently, certain parts of the Library website do not yet meet AA level contrast according to Wcag 2.0 guidelines and the Library is committed to updating this section. Meanwhile, the accessible toolbar at the top of the page allows the user to modify colors to increase contrast.
The guidance section on the website includes video training and demo clips. The Library is currently working on subtitling the clips. Meanwhile, full text transcriptions of the clips appear alongside them. In some cases the text has been updated with new material that is not covered in the clip, so note that the written text contains the most relevant material.
Striving for progress
In the future the Library website will support additional platforms depending on technological advances and at the discretion of the Library management.
Feedback on website accessibility
We invite users of assistive accessibility technologies, particularly screen reader users, to contact us on any matter relating to the accessibility of this website. We undertake to give all requests our serious consideration, and to respond quickly.
You can contact us in the following ways:
Standard mail to The Central Library for Blind and Visually Impaired People, 4, Hahistadrut Street, Netanya 4254106, Israel
The ‘Contact Us’ page on the website – click here to go to Contact Us